My Hero Academia: Jet Burn Boosterbox
OverviewSpecification | Description |
Language: | EN |
Manufacturer: | Jasco Games |
EAN Code: | 850034738871 |
The New #1 Pro Hero is Tested… The MY HERO ACADEMIA COLLECTIBLE
CARD GAME: Jet Burn release features 17 new characters to build decks
around including the introduction of Hawks and Hood as well as a new
version of Endeavor. With over 150 new cards, this set is sure to fly fast!
Contains 24 Jet Burn booster packs
Each booster contains 11 total cards:
1 character card, 6 commons,
3 uncommons and one of the following:
Rare, Ultra Rare or Secret Rare
Limited edition Chrome Rares appear in
this set as exciting treatments of
character cards!
Jet Burn contains 6 different powerful
Secret Rares to enhance your decks
New card frame treatments show off more
of the great art, especially on more rare
Fan favorite characters will make their first
appearance in this set!