Barrage 5th Player Expansion

Artikel 77 von 163
€ 26,99 (inkl. MwSt.)
Spezifikation Beschreibung
Sprache: EN
Hersteller: Cranio Creations
EAN-Code: 8034055582947

Barrage is a resource management and strategic placement game in which players compete to build their majestic dams, raise them to increase their storing capacity of precious water, and deliver all the potential power through pressure tunnels connected to powerhouse energy turbines. Each player represents one of the international companies who are gathering machineries, innovative patents, and brilliant engineers to claim the best locations to capture and exploit the water power of a contested Alpine region crossed by rivers.

5 players map, 1 wheel for the fifth player, a small management board with additional actions, an overlay for the turn order, a new set of contracts, more wooden machineries


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